2024-09-05T23:25:38+08:002024-08-23|Events, News|

Institute of Collaborative Innovation (ICI) is organizing the Second “International Symposium on Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Innovation Research” at UM in September 2024. This event aims to gather experts from academia, government, and society to discuss the latest trends and challenges in data science, cognitive sciences, and brain sciences. By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, innovative solutions can emerge for complex problems. More significantly, the symposium’s objective is to facilitate dynamic discussions and exchanges among scholars and to share recent findings in cognitive neuroscience and data science through 2 sub-sessions led by Head of Centre for Cognitive and Brain Sciences (CCBS) and Head of Centre for Data Science (CDS) respectively. Approximately 30 speakers from various backgrounds will share experiences and insights, featuring plenary sessions, keynotes, and poster presentations, driving forward the frontiers of data science and cognitive and brain sciences.

The 2nd Macau Symposium on Data Science 

The Centre for Data Sciences (CDS) of the University of Macau is excited to extend to you a warm welcome to showcase of progress of the rapidly growing and highly promising field of data sciences in the 2nd Macau Symposium on Data Science (MSDS 2024), which will be held in the University of Macau on 06 September 2024.

The program will feature plenary sessions, keynote speakers and discussion on the following topics:

1) Data mining and data management;
2) Machine learning algorithms and techniques;
3) Natural language processing;
4) Big data analytics and processing;
5) Data visualization and storytelling;
6) Ethical and legal issues in data science;
7) Applications of data science in various industries.

For more information please click!

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The 5th Macau Symposium on Cognitive and Brain Sciences

ICI-CCBS is delighted to present the The 5th Macau Symposium on Cognitive and Brain Sciences (MSCBS 2024) on 7  September 2024 (Sat) at the University of Macau. MSCBS 2024 features plenary sessions with keynote and guest talks, parallel session and poster session. All experts, professors, researchers and students are welcomed.


Registration is now opened, click here to register for MSCBS2024. Registration closes by 4th Sep, or when quotas are filled, whichever is earlier.

Call for Posters

MSCBS 2024 is also calling for  from young scholars. For details, please visit the Call for Poster page.