The Institute of Collaborative Innovation Summer Camp for Outstanding Students now open for application 澳門大學協同創新研究院優秀大學生暑期研習營正式接受報名
為促進與國內外科研人才多元化之交流,現邀請大家參加 “澳門大學協同創新研究院優秀大學生暑期研習營” ! 澳門大學協同創新研究院目前設有五個研究中心,2025/2026學年有2個碩士課程在全球範圍內招生。活動將由認知神經科學及數據科學領域教授帶領,內容包括參觀研究中心、師生座談、暢遊澳大校園、新舊生交流等,讓同學們親身感受澳大國際化環境及英語學習文化 ! 暑期研習營日期: 2025年7月8日— ...
The 2nd International Symposium on Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Innovation Research was successfully held at UM
To promote interdisciplinary collaboration and academic exchange, the Institute of Collaborative Innovation (ICI) of the University of Macau (UM) organized the 2nd International Symposium on In ...
The 2nd International Symposium on Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Innovation Research
Institute of Collaborative Innovation (ICI) is organizing the Second “International Symposium on Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Innovation Research” at UM in November 2024. This event aims ...
UM Summer Camp attracts Hundreds of Outstanding Students Worldwide
The "5th Summer Camp for Outstanding Students", co-organized by the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) and the Institute of Collaborative Innovation (ICI) at the University of Macau (UM), has re ...
Two master programmes are currently offered by ICI – Master of Science in Data Science and Master of Science in Cognitive Neuroscience. Both programmes featured multi-disciplinary curriculums that draw on insights across a range studies, addressing the key areas of data science in practical settings and different streams of cognitive and brain sciences.